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Weird car of the week 11th December 2005
Wednesday, 07 December 2005
The Amphicar

The Amphicar was an amphibious convertible that was made in Germany from 1961 to 1968, Total production was 3,878 cars with most of these being sold in the US. The company who made the car was hoping for much more sales than it received but the car had several quality and reliability issues that caused buyers to stay away.
Powered by a rear mounted Trumph Herald engine the car featured many boat options as well like bildge pumps and running lights, an oar came with car as well, perhaps in case water got into the engine and caused it to cease, which was a common problem.   

Steering in the water was by the front wheels acting like a rudder two rear propellers gave it a performance of 7 knots in the drink and 43 Hp on land. Many people who ever drove one of these cars say they handle like a boat on land and worse in the water.


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